Edward Serucaca

Vice Chairperson

Edward is a Civic Engagement Officer with Non Violent Peace Force in South Sudan. He led the advocacy and networking program at the National coalition of Human Rights Defenders Uganda which collaborates with other national institutions to promote legislation and policies that advance protection of Human Rights Defenders in Uganda. Edward has worked with Human Rights Defenders since 2013 and has 10 years  experience in advancing advocacy on protection of Human Rights Defenders. He has previously served as the Convenor of the National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders while at Defend Defenders in 2013. He holds a certificate of merit in alternative and transformative leadership courtesy of Forum for Women in Democracy young leader’s mentorship program. He has various certification; Digital security for HRDs-Civil Rights Defenders Sweden, Monitoring Documentation and Reporting of Human Rights Violations-UN Human Rights Uganda, Security Management for Human Rights Defenders-ICJ South Africa.